Western Union

Western Union

  • Next Day

    Send and save money on fees

  • In Minutes

    Quick money transfer

  • Direct To Bank

    Send cash money to a bank accoun...

  • Quick Pay

    Send to companies

  • Our

    Great deals, only at UFC !

  • my WU

    Fidelity program

Next Day

Send and save money on fees

Next Day

Next Day service allows sending money for cheaper fares, with a withdrawal available 12 to 24h hours later depending on destinations. Not available for all countries, please contact your agency or our dedicated Customer Service Line. Step by step :

  1. Search for an Agent location near you.
  2. Give the clerk all the required information: your ID, full name and surname of the receiver, amount to send and destination
  3. The clerk will prepare the transaction, make you check the information and cash-in the amount to pay
  4. Save your receipt and share the tracking number (MTCN) with your receiver for pickup in any WU agency in the destinaton country 12 to 24 hours later.

In Minutes

Quick money transfer

In Minutes

In minutes service allows instant cash withdrawal of the sent fees. Easy and fast, it is the best way to use Western Union for helping friends and relatives abroad. Step by step :

  1. Search for an Agent location near you.
  2. Give the clerk all the required information: your ID, full name and surname of the receiver, amount to send and destination
  3. The clerk will prepare the transaction, make you check the information and cash-in the amount to pay
  4. Save your receipt and share the tracking number (MTCN) with your receiver for pickup in any WU agency in the destinaton country.

In Minutes service, simple and easy !

Direct To Bank

Send cash money to a bank account

Send cash money to a bank account

Direct to Bank service allows money transfers to bank accounts easily for cheaper fees. This service is not available for all destination, please contact your agency or our dedicated Customer Service Line. Step by step :

  1. Search for an agent location near you.
  2. Give the clerk all the required information: your ID, full name and surname of the receiver, amount to send and destination, including your receiver's bank account information. Those information vary from a country to another, please contact us to obtain the list.
  3. The clerk will prepare the transaction, make you check the information and cash-in the amount to pay. D2B transaction cannot be modified or canceled, please be careful while checking the information.
  4. Save your receipt with the tracking number (MTCN).

Depending on the destination, your money will be deposited into your receiver's bank account within 1 to 3 business days. (for some destinations, this delay might be longer, contact our Customer Service to obtain the country delays)

Quick Pay

Send to companies

Using Western Union to pay companies' invoices

Western Union Quickpay service allows our customers to pay their bills easily from abroad. Credit card bill to reimburse ? Your pension to pay to your native country ? Internet shopping bill to settle ? Visa or summer school fees ? If the WU Quickpay service is given to you as a payment option, please enter in one of our 160 agencies to proceed. Quickpays’ advantages :

  • Fast and easy transactions
  • Simple process
  • No bank account needed
  • Cheap fees thanks to partnerships

How does it work ?

Find the nearest agent location, Give the clerk all the required information: your ID, the company’s name, amount to send, including transfer fees. The clerk will prepare the transaction, make you check the information and cash-in the amount to pay. As Quickpay transactions cannot be modified or canceled, please be careful while checking the information. Save your receipt with the tracking number (MTCN). The money will be deposited the following day into the account. Do not hesitate to contact us to make sure the receiver appears in WU Quickpay database


Great deals, only at UFC !

Our exclusivities

No special offer for the moment, stay tuned !

my WU

Fidelity program

my WU